Mirror image

Published: Apr 28, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

I was drifting in and out of dreams for a few hours after having broken sleep

I was at my grandads house, trying to help him sell his car. His garage however was more like a gazebo tent, maybe 20 metres long, 10 wide with grass on the floor and white deck chairs scattered around the space.

Part of this process involved trying to turn the engine over but the key was extremely hard to turn and the engine would only splutter a little and never fully engage.

After this I believed I was awake so decided to get up and visit the bathroom, everything feeling real at the time.

As I pulled the cord to turn on the bathroom light nothing happened and I was suddenly excited knowing that I was dreaming so decided to look in the mirror where I saw a nerdy looking woman in her late 20’s with short black hair, square framed glasses wearing white underwear looking back at me. In shock, I grabbed my chest and started to exclaim when the light started to flicker, casting the room in a pale green light while a loud reverberating wuub~wuuub~wuuuub noise started before I really woke up.