Reservoir glide

Published: May 6, 2023
Reading time: 2 min

I was on a road trip with my girlfriend in central Wales where we were visiting a reservoir named Pnelrith which was named after an island in centre of the reservoir.

This reservoir had a special feature that under certain conditions you were able to jump into the air and glide from one side, to the island, then from the island to the other side and back again completely unaided but some people were using wing suit setups to make the process easier.

A woman on the far side near the island was also selling sandwiches out of the back of an old land rover which we didn’t take advantage of.

I was able to complete this glide once, but then on the way back I caught the current poorly and ended up splashing into the cold water from the island back to the first coast and struggled to make it to land using a variety of strokes all while trying to keep my backpacks’ contents dry.

On the next leg of our trip our adopted kids joined us on the journey and the discussion went to the music being played. I don’t remember any of the tracks but none of what was playing went down well and everything was described as oldies, even popular music that had only been released a couple of years ago.

We eventually arrived at a small B&B hotel which had very old style power plugs and only one or two in each room and located in strange places so a number of old style extension leads were also being used. My girlfriend was trying to use a steam powered hair brush that mostly just looked like a normal style brush but had a thick power lead coming from the handle and made a high pitched whining noise when powered up.

After a few moments of being powered up, the plug started pushing itself out of the extension lead so it was promptly slapped back in and the noise continued.

Eventually the hair brush started leaking water from its bristles at an increasing rate until boiling water was frothing out of it and it was placed in a tupperware to try and catch as much of the water as possible as the handle started to melt due to the power being consumed and the heat being produced.