Camper van meal

Published: Feb 26, 2023
Reading time: 1 min

I was living in a VW camper van having a nap parked up by the side of a road in a foreign town. I was wearing a pair of bluetooth headphones, watching videos on my laptop. I was awoken by a dog messing around with my feet as they hung out of the side of the van. It has just rained and my laptop was outside but it seemed fine if not a bit soggy.

The dogs owner and I started talking and decided to go out for a drink and a meal, we went to a bar then to a takeaway called Stinky’s where the menu only had about 10 items on it but my new friend ordered a special dish that consisted of 3 plates on a much larger long plate, one had salad and cous cous, the other had long sushi rolls and the final had something sweet.

After the meal he connected his phone to a TV at the end of the table and started watching compilations of women dancing to TikTok style songs.