Apartheid wedding

Published: Oct 1, 2022
Reading time: 1 min

I was at some kind of wedding party for a couple I didn’t know, it was being hosted in some kind of swimming bath type complex where all the rooms were connected by differently sized and shaped swimming pools and diving in and out of them and swimming to get to other rooms was perfectly normal.

My grandad and an old black man I didn’t know had been having a chat all day and had otherwise gotten on quite well. They had a disagreement though surrounding appartheid, I don’t remember which side argued for what but the other man called my grandad an employer as though it was one of the gravest of insults.

The wedding group was roughly split 50/50 male and female however there was only a single toilet for each group of 60 plus people so a queue was forming outside the ladies room, eventually they decided they couldn’t wait and started using the gents bathroom as well which nobody seemed to mind.