Mountain house entrapment

Published: May 12, 2021
Reading time: 1 min

I was scheduled to attend a house party at a friends tiny house in a mountainous region in the countryside. I’d already been to the house and every facet of it was either incomplete or unusably small like door frames you needed to pass through sideways on and ceiling heights that meant you needed to stoop on most floors. While here I was wearing a sky blue pair of shorts and a sky blue T-shirt, due to the altitude I joked about getting lost in the clouds.

As a group, we weren’t sure if the guy who had organised this was a police man or not as he was trying to entrap us saying we could commit any crimes we wanted and there would be no consequences. On our way there he grabbed a girl and was threatening to stab her with a knife in an attempt to prove he wasn’t a cop.

I was carrying an FN P90 for some reason, took careful aim and shot him once in the abdomen. He got off her then started running at me but another girl rolled a bucket towards him and he stood on it, then fell flat on his face in a slapstick manner and we all started laughing at him.