Runway raceday

Published: Jan 23, 2021
Reading time: 1 min

I’d just taken part in a supercar track day type event on an airport runway however in the background there was a pilot practicing sharp cornering and handbrake turns in a large 737 type aeroplane.

He overshot the distance and ended up resting halfway up an embanking with the engines still churning away at full speed. We are all told that we had to cool down the engines any way we could otherwise they’d overheat and explode.

We rushed to a Sainsbury’s to try grab bottled water in trolleys but they wouldn’t give us any, but instead said we could take as much Ice as we could carry from the fish counter.

We lined the trollies with packages of cured meat and scooped up ice before pushing the trollies back to the airport. I was running along a raised pavement while pushing the trolly on the road with the ice spilling as we went over bumps in the road surface, yelling as people add they stood in the way.